Conformationally driven Ru(II)-catalyzed multiple ortho-C-H bond activation in diphenylpyrazine derivatives in water : where is the limit?


Sara Hrovat, Miha Drav, Uroš Grošelj, Franc Perdih, Jurij Svete, Bogdan Štefane, Franc Požgan

Ru(II)/carboxylate/PPh3 catalyst system enabled the preparation of highly conjugated pyrazine derivatives in water under microwave irradiation. Both nitrogen atoms efficiently dictated cleavage of the ortho-C–H bonds in both benzene rings of 2,3-diphenylpyrazine substrates through chelation assistance. In conformationally more flexible diphenyldihydropyrazine 1, the arylation of four ortho-C–H bonds was possible, while in the aromatic analog 2, the triarylation was the limit.

Read article: Catalysts, 2020, 10, 421